20 July 2007

:: A clarification ::

This is very frustrating. I'm gonna say this again and I intend to make it permanent.

Your calculation is simply wrong. Besides, I didn't go away for 2 weeks.
I may not see him every day but I see him every day when I'm around in SG.
And its a fact that he only advanced when we split.
That's how feelings developed, if you haven't realised.

I DID NOT like some other guys and decided not to break up with you coz the other wasn't interested. You make me seem so cheap like I have to hold on to you like a saftey net.
This is simply bullshit and i think its the work of your own freaking haywired mind.
I may have find some guys cute but that is just that. Isn't this NORMAL?
And MIND YOU, i did not go any further coz I KNOW I WAS ATTACHED.

Please, will you wake up and remember something? Way before, I have already mentioned to you about breaking up. The problem is simply between US. About YOU and I not being able to FIT. About YOU not being able to provide me with some thing which I wanted in a significant other. About having a different religion. It is more apparent now and it affected me because of what happened to my grandma. With all these considerations, I did honestly tell you my concerns. It is not because I fell for another guy then I am thinking of splitting! My issue with you already started way before that.

I held on times after times coz you didn't want to let go. I tried to convince myself to stay and try too and I DID TRY. I was hoping things would change or I might change. BUT HELL NO. It didn't. I wasn't holding on to you coz there wasn't some one else. LIKE HOW I TOLD EVERY ONE ELSE, I'D RATHER BE OLD AND SINGLE AND DIE ALONE THAN TO MARRY A WRONG ONE. I realised, with all the concerns which I have mentioned to you before, you wasn't the one that I wanna spend my life time with.

One last time, the reason why I wanted a breakup is simply due to the issues between us. Its YOU.
DO NOT conveniently push to something else.

I may have like some one else after that. Excuse me, is that wrong?

Besides, telling me you want to destroy my LV the same way I tore your heart, is so ridiculous. I lend it to your MUM out of good will. I may have hurt you but I DID NOT BETRAY YOUR TRUST. So your comment on destroying MY LV coz I broke your trust simply does not apply.


19 July 2007

:: hates being accused ::

One thing I hate most? To be accused of something I did not do.

Just don't understand, why having being so honest, he still does not believe me.
The fact is right there and yet he has to twist it and interpret it his way, just to make it easier for himself to believe/blame.
Perhaps that made him feel better.

I had been completely honest and dun see the reason to lie.
Everyone knows.
I guess as long as my conscience is clear, that is what it matters.

Is it not my right to have my stuff back especially when i bought it with my own money? I can't even bear to use it myself.

Swearing and cursing doesn't make things better as well.


17 July 2007

:: Happy Me ::

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I think I'm happy. :)
I think I'm lucky.

Its amazing how one thing led to another within such a short time. No, I'm not complaining.
Why should I?

I didn't expect this and it came as a bonus. me think.

I thought I would never feel the same way again after E left about 6 years ago.
The feeling which I have been secretly hoping for in every relationship after E.
I thought I would never be so lucky to find someone who will make me feel that way.
But I was wrong.

No, it's not a replacement. No, it's not.
Through E and the failed relationships along the way, I know what kind of man I like and what kind of man I would want to spend my lifetime with.

Then he happen to come into my life unexpectedly.
And I'm happy. I'm glad he fits in almost perfectly.

I know there's gonna be some obstacles ahead of us and it may gonna be rough.
I can't say for sure I'm very confident but i'm trying my best to be positive and keep this going as much as I can.

He has been so sweet and such a darling that I can't help falling.
Oh wait, I think I might just have fallen. :)