01 August 2005


what a surprise and sweeet evening for me.
i was at a client's place when an unfamiliar number kept flashing on my mobile. It must be an overseas call, i thought.
I picked up the phone excitedly and suddenly, a matured voice was on the other side of the phone, looking for "Ms Val".

Just a split second, i recalled telling Anders in sweden to help me look for a job over at his side...."Couldn't be so fast bah??" i thought to myself.
And before my hopes got higher...they were all dashed by her giggles...... It's my AH BONG form shanghai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hhahahaa...and immediately, it blew my monday blues away.... hhahahha~ miss her so much!

After chatting for a while, we decided to web cam each other tonight.... THEN...another sweet surprise! I saw Jan!!! Jan from sweden was in shanghai too!! staying over at ah bong's place! Man! he lost 20kg!!! but he's still looked cute!! hahahhaha~ and yea,,,,miss him too,....thought we were from different school... but i'll always remember him as a nice, warm, friendly swede who played mahjong with us (and won us actually) and who love spicy food soooooo much!!! I remembered we cooked chicken curry for him.... and he loved it so much...that he kept eating though he was perspiring like mad... hahahhha~

those were those good'ol memories again!

so anyway....im gonna pen off now as im on web cam with ah bong and jan....while chatting with them over skype!! cool!! how technology makes wonders!!!!

my lovely swede, jan!
Jag saknar dig!!!

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