02 July 2006

:: Nanjing ::

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Aarrgh!!! My Argentina lost!!! The referee is really such a jackass!! But it's a no wonder anyway coz the Germans are in their own country. Its so unfair!! My blood almost boiled when the referee made several unfair judgement. Aargh!! To make things worse, BRASIL is OUT!!!!! Oh my god! What's there to watch now??? However, what made me feel a little better is that ENGLAND is out!! HAhahahhahaa!!!

Anyway, been back from Nanjing..2 weeks ago.. It was really a nice and fruitful trip. Even though i have been to most of the places before, it's always different when you re-visit it again after a few years. This time round, i learnt more of the china's history than before. It's really interesting to know what happened in the past and how certain beliefs or culture came about. I guess that's what travelling is all about! Isn't it?

Highlights of the trip:

Dr Sun Yat Sen's Mausoleum

There are about 392 steps all together up to where he is buried. Why the number? Coz at the time he passed away, there were about these millions of citizens in China. Who is Dr Sun Yat Sen? He's the one who over threw the dynasty...and build the republic of China....until the communist took over. He then fled to Taiwan and build the empire there. According to the tour guide, he told me that Dr Sun had came to this mountain before and in terms of the chinese Feng Shui beliefs, this is an excellent place. Hence, it had been said that he wanted to bury here when he passed away.

Ming's Tomb

Now, what many people know is that there are many tombs from the Ming dynasty found in Beijing. What you may not know is that the very FIRST emperor of the Ming dynasty "Zhu Yuan Zhang" is buried here in Nanjing. Yes..just a stone throw away from Dr Sun's Mausoleum.
Now this pic shows a creature made up of a dragon's head, tortise's body, snake's tail and phoneix's claw. According to the guide, he said that this is a very bad creature, son of a King of Sea (Hai Long Wang), who had done many bad deeds. With the emperor's tablet on top of this bad creature, it symbolises that no matter how bad the creature is, the emperor is still more powerful.

Nanjing Massarcre

You wouldn't believe how many chinese were killed during this massacre. 20million!! That's 5 times that of Singaporeans now!!! These 3 sculptures represented how some of them were tortured..Buried alive.... small children were killed....women being raped....

This museum actually displayed the actual victim's bones. This place, in fact, was one of the buried location. Victims were buried layers by layers, one on top of another, separated by sand. Excavation was done during the early 80's.... It is believed that there were much more buried beneath where we walked...

QingHuai River

I love walking along this street beside the river. It is also here where you can find the Confusious's temple. Most of the buildings here were actually brothels in the past.... where many scholars or the upper class of the society like to visit..They weren't exactly prostitudes...more like the "Geisha" in Japan.

I'm LOVING it!!


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