05 January 2007

:: Back ::

I'm back! It's been a while since I last posted. Well, as you might have guessed... I'm just being lazy, lazy, lazy and lazy. Heehee...There're so much things to say but I'm just too lethargic and lazy to post. Heehee.

Besides that, I've been busy with my brother's wedding earlier. Helping them to do their montages, dealing with the AV hiccups. But its done now. It has been a very heart warming event. It was our family's first time holding a wedding as my brother is the eldest. Somehow, I felt that this wedding brought all of us closer... So are all my younger cousins. We all really enjoyed this event and all of us seems to be more bonded than before. We even went out for a movie,...ALL the 15 cousins!! Ice-cream sessions at changi airport, coming to my house and laugh over the wedding videos... I'm so glad we live happily under one roof.


As for my heart condition, I had a follow-up with my doctor a few days ago. he told me to continue my medication as it is controlling those PVCs rather well. So he gave me 1 year supply. When I went to the pharmacy, the pharmacist asked me if I wanted all the 1 year's supply or a few months first coz it cost $960 all together!!!!!! WAH KAU!! I got a shock and asked for 2 months of supply first. And you know what? I've to go back for another MRI session in this december and it bloody hell cost $800!!!!!

Anyway, doctor said I just need to come for follow-up regularly as mine wasn't a clear cut ARVD condition. It could be an early ARVD and you wouldn't know if it will manifest itsef in the coming years. Apparently, he said my PVCs is coming from the lower chamber of my ventricle (right side of my heart), and it is also where the extra "bump" (from the MRi result) is located. Hence he suspect that the PVCs is caused by this ARVD condition. Anyway, this extra "bump" is what they think it may contribute to an early ARVD. My ECG also indicated another sympton which my doctor will fax to USA and ask for their opinion, because apparently, ARVD is a rare condition in this part of the world, a mere 1% of the population here. It is more prevalent in Italy. ARVD is also a genetic condition, which means that there is a 50% chance that my off springs will inherit this.

This entire episode sounds scary isn't it? The doctor advised me to carry on my life as per normal since it is not serious that yet, especially my family do not have any history of sudden death. But he said if I faint for no rhyme or reason, I have to go back to him immediately. And not to put myself in a situation where I can't get help. I asked if I can go diving, he hesitated. Coz he said its not about the pressure under the sea, its about getting help should something happen in that environment.

So people..when you go out with me, and if I ever just collapse, please save me and tell the paramedics or medical personnel that I've ARVD condition. Heh heh.

Meanwhile...I'll cherish my life and live life to the fullest.

Have a great year ahead people. Stay healthy!

1 comment:

::jenn:: said...

I KNOW CPR!!!!!!