01 October 2006

:: Overdue ::

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Had some wine with Jenn yesterday and had a long chat. Talk about almost everything and anything. Well, of course, the topic of men and relationship kept us busy cursing and swearing. Sometimes, we just dun understand some men. Oh well, i must admit sometimes i dun understand myself too. So both of us were basically chatting about such stuff..trying to figure out some issues.

Have you ever waited long for certain things to happen but when it actually happen, you just dun feel the same anymore? It's like its long overdue. The mood is lost, the feeling is gone.. but isn't this what you have been waiting for?

I have been wanting to go for holidays during this leave. Because of certain problems in his work, we couldn't set a date to it. I was really looking very forward to it. But he just couldn't give me an answer. So finally, I'm sick of asking and convinced myself that i'll be staying put on this island. However, a call from him yesterday told me that he had settled the problem and we'll be able to go somewhere from mon to wed. Guess what? I've totally lost the interest, the mood and feeling. Now I just wanna go no where.

Why? I thought this is what i've been waiting for? I guess what they say is right. Timing is important.
(I guess the guys would say "women are hard to please"?)

Like my pal who's been waiting for something to happen for some time. In fact, she's used to the wait. So much so that she told me if things really happen one day, she wonder what would she do...probably she will reject the idea.

Life is such an irony, isn't it? Life is such a bitch.

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