It isn't all a bad thing though.
At least I have learnt that there is really someone out there who truely loves me wholeheartedly and willing to do anything for me.
I felt touched when he said that.
As for me, I guess I have to learn to start from scratch again. Start loving all over again (just that its the same person) coz I think I have gotten used to be at the receiving end than giving. I think its time for me to try start giving. Hopefully things work out fine this time and just like in fairytale, happily ever after (dreaming again?!?!)
Things between C and I got better after we thrash out our feelings. It was good.
This is a good example of how good things turned bad. Hahaha.. We were trying so hard to be sensitive to each other and trying to make each other feel better, that the tension between us built up and had caused a certain level of awkwardness and discomfort.
But I'm glad the issue is over and certainly feel like the load is off my mind especially when I poured out my inner feelings.
On this note, I would like to proclaim that I'm an EMO Freak and I hate it!!!!
But sometimes, I like it, I DO!
Oh shucks!
Some time ago, we went Desaru....guess what? we played MJ all daaaaaay loooooooooonnnnnggg!
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